Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Lifting the corporate veil free essay sample

The acknowledgment that an organization is a different lawful element particular from its investors is regularly communicated as the â€Å"veil of incorporation†. General guideline, when an organization is joined, the courts as a rule don't look behind the cover to ask why the organization was or who truly controls it. Anyway in specific circumstances, the court will disregard the different lawful character of an organization and look to the individuals/controllers of the organization is â€Å"lifting the veil†. This would include rewarding the privilege or liabilities or exercises of the organization as the rights or liabilities or exercises of its investors, for instance rewarding the business od an organization as that of its central investor. Lifting the corporate cover is something explicitly approved by rule (legal special cases) and something it is embraced by the courts (legal exemption). Legal EXCEPTIONS - When individuals become under 2. Organizations Act 1956 states that â€Å"if at any residual part has a half year to discover another part, after which the court will lift the corporate cloak and hold the sole part subject for all obligations of the company† Exceptions for this situation: (an) If the sole part didn't know that he was the main outstanding part; or (b) The sole part is a holding organization claiming the whole portions of the organization concerned (a completely possessed organization). We will compose a custom paper test on Lifting the corporate cloak or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page On the off chance that an official of an organization signs or issue or approves the marking or issuance of specific instruments for the organization, on which the company’s name doesn't show up appropriately - Section 121(2) Companies Act 1956 states that â€Å"such official will be by and by liable† The name of the organization must show up in letters on all bill of trade, promissory notes, checks, debatable instrument, supports and requests. On the off chance that the name of the organization isn't appropriately referenced on any of these archives, the individual who marked or gave the report is subject to the holder of the record for the sum due, except if the organization pays upon the instrument. - If the organization carries on its business for a deceitful reason: Section 304(1) and (5) Companies Act 1956 states that â€Å"where any business of the organization has been conveyed put with purpose to dupe leaser of the organization, the court may make the people who were intentionally involved with the fake exchanging might be by and by at risk for obligation or different liabilities of the company†. When an obligation is contracted in the interest of an organization, the official of the organization had no sensible desire that the organization would have the option to pay the obligation: Section 303 (3) and 304(2) Companies Act 1956 states that â€Å"such official will be by and by liable†. In other word, that official might be blameworthy of an offense and on conviction, he might be obligated to pay of the entire or any piece of the obligation so contracted. - Transactions by an organization which have the impact of staying away from or avoiding charge: Section 140(1) o Companies Act the Income Tax Act 1967 states that â€Å"give the privilege the Director-General of Inland Revenue to lift the corporate veil†

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Christopher marlowe, doctor faustus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Christopher marlowe, specialist faustus - Essay Example The utilization of normal Biblical language and tone can be seen in the words conveyed by both the speakers. Dr. Faustus looks eager for grasping the sinister way for twenty four years of his life, where he could be in a situation to command over others with the assistance of the insidious enchantment gave to him by Lucifer through his worker Mephistopheles. The creator has skilfully illuminated the force of desire and unabated arrangement of wants for the accomplishment of intensity, pelf, ownership, esteem and financial gains throughout everyday life, and seems, by all accounts, to be ignorant of the quiet appearance of the demise finally. Since Faustus has a place with the lower layer of society, as the Chorus describes, he is by all accounts in a rush to obtain funds and status quickly by utilizing out of line and even underhanded methods. Here, the language of the play again calls attention to the profound message conveyed by Marlowe that this human world would surely end inside a jiffy; so running amuck pursuing materialistic articles may prepare towards the frightful channel of revile, embarrassment and humiliation finally. Accordingly, Faustus can't make a difference foresightedness and pronounces hellfire as Elysium for him. (Line 63) The exchange between Dr. Faustus and Mephistopheles underscores upon the very certainty that Marlowe kept up determined faith in monotheism and unrestricted following the rules of the Lord. It is along these lines his hero concedes that the unceasing spot of the nonbeliever scholars isn't other than the dump of inferno, where Dr. Faustus would remain everlastingly in the organization of the radicals of Almighty God. (Lines 64-67) Hence, Marlowe has applied the equivalent resonant tone utilized by John Milton, in the discourse made by Satan while tending to his companions, in his well known Paradise Lost. Along these lines, the recognized writer has called attention to towards the very reality that the renegade heavenly at tendants do never feel short of their insubordination and defiance they have raised against the almighty out of the sheer desire and malevolence for Adam. Therefore, they were hurled in the inferno fast and still keep there out of their assent. (Lines 77-78) Marlowe incompletely respects the endurance of the dissident blessed messengers which look occupied with tempting the blameless offspring of Adam and Eve out of their resentment for their first guardians. Since the hirelings of Beelzebub think of it as a war against the matchless quality of man over them, they show their worship for the reason for disobedience. It is in this manner Mephistopheles favors Lucifer’s administration to the each gift and bounties offered to him by the Lord. (Lines 79-82) To finish up, it becomes completely clear that Marlowe has applied philosophical and scholarly language in the Biblical style while portraying the exchange under assessment. On the one side he looks denouncing and blaming Dr. F austus for his upsetting choice of grasping sinister approaches to join the demons in heck, and on the opposite side he is by all accounts empowering and supporting the Lucifer junta for adhering to their motivation for all eternity by discrediting all prizes and bounties offered by the Lord to the devout and submissive on the loose. Book index Marlowe, Christopher (1592/1994) A Tragic history of Dr. Faustus Dover

Monday, August 17, 2020

More on balance

More on balance Ive spent the past few days untangling my personal life, which has lately been less than exemplary. In addition, on Sunday evening, I ate dinner with my brother (MIT 17), aunt, and uncle (who live in Boston), and then I finished reading The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri. Its a novel about balancing family and American culture; I identify strongly with the main character Gogol and also, to some extent (and not without shame), the character Moushumi. If youve read this book, please feel free to send me an email. Its Wednesday now. On my floor is a suitcase containing a suit and a sundress. In less than 48 hours, I will be in Houston, both for the SASE national conference and for the warm weather. Ill (hopefully!) be blogging about that in the near future. In the meantimeheres a list, dated 10/02/2015. It contains some parameters by which I have been evaluating myself lately. Feel free to just skim the bullet points because the sentences below them are heavy on self-reflection. To balance community/individuality (presence/absence, travel/home) This semester, I moved to a new hall within my dorm (East Campus). Ive spent a lot of time living by my own agenda; Im there less than half the day, and even then, its mostly to work or to sleep. I seem to value the pursuit of my own goals a lot more than I do building a community. I need to work on being present more often and more actively. respect/freedom (yuppie/hippie) How important are other peoples opinions/social norms? My parents care very much about image and reputation. Many of my best friends are pretty uninhibited and attempt to live by exclusively their own principlesmaybe its also because were young. In any case, my parents and my friends are two very different kinds of happy. The Namesake touches on this distinction; I think that it favors the latter sort of lifestyle because it is a coming-of-age story that takes place in America, but it recognizes the value of the former, because it is a story about the immigrant experience and using external markers to highlight the success of ones life. Either way, I should try to move in some direction. I wish I were more convincing, or braver. Id favor the latter. conversation/meditation (speaking/thinking, living/writing, experiencing/reading) I lean heavily toward meditation, thinking, writing, reading. I need to remind myself to open my mouth and be present in the world. Thats really all there is to it. romance/realism (romance/responsibility) I could be more reckless more often. skepticism/faith I tend to be skeptical about outcomes. Often, Im right but not happy to be. I could be more reckless more often. planning/playing (scheduling/spontaneity) Ive been pretty good about leaving chunks of my weekends unplanned. Its weird having to schedule even spontaineity. productivity/staring off into space These two cycle naturallyfirst youre working, then youre not, and then you have new ideas on which to work, and so on. lists/paragraphs You tell me how this ones going. struggle/splendor (endurance/pleasure, seeking/appreciating) One: I am very, very fortunate that this is even a choice I get to make. Two: At MIT especially, the motto is, work hard, play hard. How much of each is enough, though? The ideal situation is, of course, the one where the work itself becomes pleasure, but often you have to grit your teeth for a long time before you get to that point. So until then, balance. Madonna/Nirvana Kind of a joke, but my music taste has been all over the place lately! One collaboration Ive appreciated is Glass Animals x Joey Bada$$ (warning: explicit language, party music). style/substance Selling yourself/having qualifications. Or: going shopping for clothes instead of reading a book (I am very guilty of this, too often). Or: appearance vs. reality. goal-oriented/process-oriented As ways of thinking about The College Experience: orienting yourself around career/classes/future or around culture/current fulfillment? Again, not mutually exclusive. I do think I tend to be too bookish and focused on post-graduation plans, though. buzzwords/normal words See previous bullet point. career/creativity Ugh. This is a big one that overlaps with respect/freedom, productivity/staring off into space, and planning/playing. Ive spent more time on mindless career development than I normally would care to, but I think itll be worth it. Ive compensated for it by reading novels and poetry instead of, you know, serious nonfiction. Or spending Wednesday nights painting. For me, its necessary. private/public (space, life, etc.) This year/blog has been unusualI used to be very private. Now I am suddenly sharing a lot with strangers on the Internet (hello there. i see you.), and its been very rewarding. sarcasm/sweetness Self-explanatory. I used to be more abrasive but funnier. I think Im hap impact/fulfillment Certainly not mutually exclusive. Here, impact = making a lot of money, something I think I could do one day; fulfillment = being an academic, which I think Id like to do. I dont know, man. I have more thoughts on this that are incomplete and shouldnt be on the Internet at this time. And I said Id try to think less about the future all the time. So. budgets (education/incarceration) I think I added this bullet point because Bernie Sanders was talking about it and I agreed with him: please, less incarceration, more education. math/real life :’( The theoretical world is a great source of bliss for me, and I appreciate the distance between my math psets and all things practical. But I feel myself getting more and more absent-mindedI am spending time learning abstract logic rather than facts that lead in any concrete direction. Its rewarding but not optimal, yet I dont think Ive chosen the wrong major. Maybe this is a sign that I should focus more on econ. Im not sure what I want anymore (see: the length of this list, the inability to prioritize); maybe I lack principles and am trying to make up for it in efficiency. More concretely, I struggle to choose anything over anything else and am consequently trying to do everything all the time. Im not convinced that its a strictly bad way to live, though (see: Camus, Notebooks 1935-1951: Those who prefer their principles over their happiness, they refuse to be happy outside the conditions they seem to have attached to their happiness.)especially as a college student, especially at seventeen. Every choice is a sacrifice. At least Im using (more or less) all of my energy constructively. I think my life is (more or less) Pareto-optimal; I cant complain.