Monday, December 2, 2019

Trip To The Sex Shops Essays - Sex Toy, Sex, Dildo,

Trip To The Sex Shops On Saturday November 10, 2001, I met with group nine in Dana Library, on the Rutgers Newark Campus, in order to go to the city for the Urban Sexuality Research Project. We sat at one of the tables looking at the map and tried to plan our day in the most productive fashion. When we finished we started our walk to the Newark Penn Station to catch a PATH Train that would lead us to Christopher Street. We talked the whole ride there, we wondered what experiences we would encounter that day in the big city. None of us knew what to expect but we knew we were very excited. This would be my first time entering a Sex Shop. As we walked up the stairs of the station on Christopher Street the lights amazed me, as they do every time I enter the City. The first store was The Leather Man, I was not sure what to expect. I walked in with an open mind and left in shock. I never saw such things before. The assumption that most people who shop in this store must have creative imaginations, in order put the props to good use, is a well thought one. I found that the leather, whips, chains, toys, etc., added a Sado-masochistic theme to the store and all were interesting. All the dildos were huge and scary looking. I questioned what type of person could fit something of that size inside of then. Some of the other stores we visited were the Pink Pussy Cat Boutique, The Pleasure Chest, Tic Tac Toe, Crazy Fantasy Lingerie and Parties, and Condomania. For the most part all these stores sold the same product whether they were kinky dresses, books, blow up dolls, condoms, vibrators, etc. By the end of the night I became very bored with seeing the same thing over and over again. The last store we visited was Condomania; this was a pleasing change to sex toys. I never thought there are such a large variety of condoms. Of all the stores we went to that day I would like to go back to Condomania and stock up on safety items. Besides stores we also stopped by The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Community Center. No one wanted to talk to us in there, but they did give us a pamphlet called Center Happenings. When I got home that night I read through the informative sheet they gave me, along with my notes. I found that the Center offers many programs, services, and groups. Some of the activities sponsored by the Center are Bingo, 12-step meetings, support groups for different issues, etc. Also the Center was involved in assisting the survivors and the greatly affected by the World Trade Center attacks. The newsletter showed me how active this center was in its community. The trip to New York City was interesting because I learned things I never would have learned by just sitting in class or reading the textbook. The most fascinating thing about this trip is that learned some thing new about myself. I realize that even though I was very excited to go to these Sex Shops I would have never thought about going if I did not have too. Also learned I could have missed out on a world of new sexual experiences. Now I know if the opportunity ever comes up I have a great list of place to visit, and I know exactly where to go to get what ever it is I want. That some thing I will have forever. Human Sexuality

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