Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Terrorists and internet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Terrorists and internet - Essay Example By creating web pages or blogs on internet and fan pages on social networking websites, they can promote their hateful notions. This creates a negative impact on the young minds as they may be lured towards their ideology .Secondly internet is a huge source of information with most of it easily available and accessible. This information includes maps of important locations like airports, and secret government documents that can be hacked from a government website. This information can then be used to plan out an attack on important sites to destabilize the country. Furthermore, internet connects the members of the terrorist organizations around the world; hence terrorists use it as a medium of planning and coordination. With the encrypted messaging system and the multitude of internet users, it is extremely hard to spot their activity and internet therefore becomes the safest means of communication for them (Weimann, 2005). The use of internet by terrorists has increased so much that it poses a threat to security of people and the country. Even though it is the right of people to have privacy in their communication, they should be cooperative and support the government in their actions of monitoring the cyber space because ultimately it is for the greater good of the society (Ingram, 2001) Works Cited Ingram, M. (2001, September 24). Internet privacy threatened following terrorist attacks on US.

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